"Color de Vida" Foundation We are a non profit organization, with marked Biblical or Christian base, under the applicable laws and the Dominican Constitution. The Overall Objective of the Foundation Color de Vida is to procure the educational, spiritual, physical, and environmental development of low income children and youth in the Dominican Republic; as well as to systematically work with the parents/tutors, simultaneously to create programs directed to improve the quality of life of the infants and its families This mission will always be inspired by the Christian Grace, our goal is to promote the well-being of children and adolescents who are in high social risk in the Dominican Republic, so that "they have life and they have it abundantly", through the technical support and execution of designed programs to prevent its potential deterioration and to improve its entailment with the family, the school and the society. FUNCOVI aspires to be one of the leaders ...
Our facilities are located at the Colon Street No.17, Barrio Norte, Esperanza, Valverde, Dominican Republic.eMail: info@colordevida.org
You may help in this work of love ! Your contributions are welcome, we are thankful for your support to the education and nutrition of a children, or as a contribution to repair the house of a poor family of our community in esperanza. If you wish to make a donation you may make deposit at: Cuenta Número 44004961676 Sovereign Bank 520 Elmwood Ave Providence, RI 02907 En República Dominicana: Cuenta No. 081-7204-13 Fundación Color de Vida Banco BHD You may also donate through our account at PAYPAL (donacion@colordevida.org) Donate to FUNCOVI: $ Recurring monthly quote : : $ for. months